Eye opening! Just eye opening! You might want to reach out Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton. With the progress till now for further help and dots connection in terms of psychological aspects of causes of diseases.

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thank you for your feedback. There are SO MANY causes of dis-ease: psychological, emotional, physical, EMF radiation, toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, etc. the list is long.

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The reason i insist those two names were there is perspective through the lenses of quantam physics which is very fascinating. As consciousness creating your reality and even materialising the reality. So I happened to build this mental construct myself that upon receivng the diagnosis a person in whos mind the pictures of patient with aids is been fed. He/she happens to be in fear of those exact conditions which matches with pictures of patient with aids and based on consciousness creating material reality. He/she happens to materialise this into reality. Thus the exact further development of the disease.

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Finally someone repeats the control experiments on the cytophatic effect (CPE) and confirms Stefan Lanka's findings 😊.

However, one question remains: it takes a while from the start of the experiment until the CPE effect occurs. How long is that?

Important: Is this time exactly the same for the experimental setup with material "supposedly" infected with "viruses" as for the control experiment, which cannot possibly be infected with "viruses"?

The answer to this question is extremely important for the validity of the control experiments. Because the CPE effect occurs at some point anyway. And if it occurs after approximately the same period of time in both experiments ("viruses" and control without "viruses"), this is a strong and usable statement. However, if the effect occurs much earlier in the sample contaminated with "viruses", this is a result that virologists will use for their position.

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Awesome Jamie!

I will keep sharing the truth.

Some get outright angry when I share the irrefutable evidence.

I'm not a Doctor!

I had covid!

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one!

I caught a cold from my daughter!

I tested positive for covid!

My mother died of covid!

It all seems so real for many. When you know that there is nothing then everything makes sense.

We win, the truth is out!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

I don't understand why the Bailey's have blocked you. This is not about ego, it's about exposing the corruption and the poisoning that we have endured since at least 1795.

My email is contagionhoax@pm.me

You have my 100% support.

Both yourself and DPL have been an inspiration.

We keep moving forward!

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The Baileys sadly enough appear very sensitive when it comes to whatever criticism, or even using words they don't like. That's a real pity, because it detracts from their credibility, and they're doing such good work.

Don't forget ProtonMagic's substack. ;)

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Yes! I know who they blocked for no reason.

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Just mentioned Jamie’s work to the person cutting my hair…cue jaw drop.

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Awesome work! A brave man to drop the truth bomb to a person with scissors in their hands. Hope they left you with more hair than me 😂

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Thanks for this, I'm including it in evidence to support me in COURT, as my brother is trying to cut me out of my elderly parents' lives because he thinks I'm a "loony." What COVID does to our families.... It's great to have intelligent, educated, sensible people standing up for me, even when you don't realize it!!! xo xo xo Go, Team! And THANK YOU!

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My sister and I don’t speak anymore either, because of our difference in opinion regarding this topic, as well as other issues we’ve had even before C0NVlD. It made what was inevitable happen sooner than later.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I guess it's pretty common, unfortunately, but it's just what the Nasties want... Divide and Conquer. This is making those with certain weaknesses WEAKER, and those of us with strong beliefs and, dare I say it, FAITH in the Good, stronger. I make a conscious effort these days to try and be unifying rather than the opposite, because I think we can overcome all this and emerge Better Than Before...


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No need to be sorry. If I’m being totally honest, I’m not missing her at all. She’s an energy vampire who constantly plays the victim. Everyone else is wrong; she’s always right. She has alienated every single family member, extended family member and every single one of her friends. She may even have a mental disorder, though she’d never admit it. The signs are all there. All I can do is send her love and peace vibrations and hope that maybe someday she will find peace within herself. Maybe then she might be able to open herself back up to others to come into her life again.

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She maybe DOES have a disorder... If she's highly jabbed, like my brother, those things are loaded with aluminum, mercury, graphene and other toxic nastiness that can affect a person's mental state...

My brother is highly jabbed, but he's also been a shit for most of my life, although nothing like now... I can't believe how cruel and vindictive he is, and it's so much worse than just putting up with him, because he's trying to keep myself and my other brother from have ANY contact with our very old parents, whom he has put into a facility against their will... I don't even know where they are, and now after today's latest hearing, in which NOTHING I say is considered valid, and neither my other brother, we have to wait THREE MORE MONTHS for a decision whether we can EVER see them again. smfh

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She always had tendencies towards a mental disorder most of her life. It’s only gotten worse as she’s gotten older. She did have enough sense to not take the jabs, but wholeheartedly believes in the germ hypothesis and existence of Vl-RUSES.

I feel for you with the situation you have regarding your brother and your parents. What he’s doing is pure evil. I believe what you put out there will circle back around to bite you in the arse in a worse way.

I’m the executor of my 91-year old father’s will and his POA. He lives with my husband and I. Even though I don’t speak with my sister, I would never interfere with her spending time with him or being in contact with him. He has a separate living area, where I don’t have to see her when she visits with him.

Hopefully, the tide will turn in the next three months, and there will be a beneficial outcome for you and your other brother.

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What I put out there will bite my ass? What do you mean?

Oh, let me just say, I don't have much ass left, since he's chewed most of it off.

It'll be okay. ^_^

I'm glad you're able to care for your dad. I miss mine, and Mom.

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Perhaps your government already has responded that they have no proof of whatever virus: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/.

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I have this in my Response already. Thanks!

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Thank you for your support and so sorry that you are going through this. The plandemic really destroyed so many relationships. The truth is revealing itself though! One day at a time. Good luck with everything

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Thanks very much, I like your page, I'm in. ^_^

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Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Yes, the Scamdemics purpose was to divide us and destabilise social cohesion. Good luck and all the best.

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Yes, true. My one brother was a psychopath before all this, tho, lol.

But oh, how he is flourishing NOW, in the Era of Evil... Well, there it is.

Glad I've got guys like you and all the rest of us "Truthies."

Thanks for all you and Brett do! I'm GLAD to be out of the "mainstream." xo xo xo

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Take the moral high ground. Use shaming / virtue signalling tactics. Refer to the speeches of WW2 survivors who say covid was worse than Nazi Germany (more insidious, more hypocritical).

Point out that none of the 'elites' got the vax. WHO, CDC, White House, Moderna, Pfizer all exempt from mandates. Fauci patted the wrong arm (indicating the soreness) the day after he got his. Bourla said he didn't want to cut in line. Tedros said he didn't take it because he wanted to stand in solidarity with Africa.

Point out that anti vaxxers are society's true CONFORMISTS. It's the pro vax crowd who are going against the grain.

You can't win with the science because these people only care about being part of the herd (social hierarchy). You have to make them realise they are the marginalised and all the smart people are staying vax free, like the 'elites' are.

They will all flip when they realise team pure blood are the winning team and team vaxxed are riding the pathetic losers' bus. I know that sounds harsh and cruel but I think that's the only sort of framing that will cut through the ego and make them reconsider their stance.

Having said that, it's mostly futile though, so you have all my sympathies.

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Good ideas. Truly!

Yeah, I know it's mostly futile, but I'm fighting it so that it's ON THE RECORD. For the future. My brother is showing his true colors, and he's hurting my parents in order to hurt me... I may end up writing a short book and forget the damn Legal System, it's nothing to do with JUSTICE anyway. But I also think there WILL be a reckoning, and it may come sooner than later... I bloody well hope so, anyway.


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Thank you for having Jamie on. I just subscribed to your new channel Brett.

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Thank you Pamela! Look forward to getting to know you here. Please spread the word as there is much work to be done.

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