you mean the failed germ hypothesis…please call it what it actually is

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Thanks for this, part II.

Viruses are garbage men, not Baddies.

The PCR is an AMPLIFIER, it does not diagnose, nor does it find disease.

I know these things because I've been on this road since early 2020. :)

Cheers! I'm citing these two videos/podcasts in a Court Document to answer my Evil Brother's claims that I am a "loony." He's an authority-worshipping conformist, so there. ^_^

Great coupla conversations, gents. Thanks!

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I have been in this camp since 2019, about the time the Plandemic started. It was at this time that I learned that Virologists had no idea what they were looking at and those that did have the sense to see past the debris understood the ridiculous nature of their profession.

I have seen the pictures in your part 2 video, this is how they pass their lies on to the public!

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To Bob S.-- Ditto me. There's a great book, don't know if you've read it or know about it, called "Pasteur or Bechamp," written in 1925, I believe... by Edith D. Hume...


An EXCELLENT guide to how Pasteur the Fake managed to shove his faulty and utterly ludicrous ideas about "viruses" and Germ Theory. I have a copy... Some of it is a bit of a slog, very scientific, narrowly, but it just BLOWS the entire FRAUD right out of the water. I had to use Duck, Duck, Go to find it, as Brave browser has censored it. :P

They saw these "exosomes" in the bodies of ill people, and of course they just ASSUMED it was those exosomes that were CAUSING the illness... Like assuming the firemen caused the fire, because they are ON THE SCENE. ;) Idiots. And so much for actual science.

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Also are you a fellow South African?

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I mean Brett

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I am indeed 😁

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I’m getting sound but no action in the video

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Yes I am not sure why there is only a still image... we recorded the video.

Brett has uploaded the images in the video description that I am refering to. Any questions let me know.

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It’s a slide presentation in the centre of the video. We added headshots to either side instead of talking heads.

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Ah... I think I have worked it out... there is a foible with Substack Videos that if you skip forward the video image freezes.. If you just play it normally the video presentation is in the middle...

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If the CIA had designed SS, like they did Facebook, it would be FAR more technically advanced! said the dog, very slyly and rather snottily...

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Make sure to read up on what is the enabler of all the evil in the world: government.


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"It is well known that many factors can cause CPE. However, SARS-CoV-2 causes very evident CPE compared to the Mock control (see picture). In addition, we always confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is present by other methods (PCR, immune staining etc). In the Mock/no virus control we cannot detect ant SARS-CoV-2, in the SARS-CoV-2 infected cells/SN we detect a high level of SARS-CoV-2 RNA."

Mari Kaarbø, The Virology Research Group at the Department of Microbiology (MIK), Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo (UiO)

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Yes, they never treat the mock the same - the sample. That is largely why they don't call it a negative control. Find an exact methodology which shows they treated them the same. They never release it

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Yes, they always make confusion and always refuse to document the controls. For example Michael Laue from RKI thinks the controls do not have to be documented because the controls are standard laboratory procedure. He thinks there shouldn't be step-by-step documented controls. :)) He thinks extracellular vesicles of controls shouldn't be compared with "viruses" because it is not goal of his study.

Maybe self-deception maybe something more :))

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Laue and others are at least complicit in keeping the fraud that virology is, alive. Sponsored by "their" government.


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The coping mechanisms are quite huge(because they have to be)

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SARS COV-II is PATENTED. I copied the patent number early on, which is now not found... !! The Dept of Defense (US DOD), and within that, DARPA, created "Covid" as a counter-measure, or a *WEAPON.* The vaccine is also a weapon. I guess you know these things, but I am SURE there is no virus... of any kind. That said, guess what gives symptoms of "viral" illnesses? EMF's!! And other TERRAIN-based toxins, such as with Polio... DDT, and now, the vaccine itself. Oh, I could go on for hours, but I'm sure you know all this. Best to you both, thanks, Jamie. ^_^

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He was before the court of the German Ombudsman for fabricating the results. Of course, he managed to get away with the help of the state that finances the fraud.

Interestingly, in the last publication he came up with a method of collecting alleged viral particles directly from swabs without cell cultures. He's probably under pressure because he's aware that cell cultures don't make sense and don't prove anything, so he made another method that doesn't prove anything :)) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36747188/

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Interesting... thanks for the info....

Yes they will just push everything into genetics... the whole fraud is predicated on it...I have no doubt they will cut out the cell culture soon enough.

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I just saw now. He made a comparison of supposed viruses with extracellular vesicles. To have some kind of credibility, he uses a PCR-positive test and a PCR-negative test.

Additional file 6. - comparation of particles from + and - swabs.


He also used this words: "step-by-step protocol" hahaha

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