Wide-scale destruction of private property, while tragic, is also creating an opportunity to break the current political paradigm.


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For years the official narrative has denied geoengineering.

This despite presidential speeches, intel and military documents to the contrary.

Not to mention the clear writing in the skies.

Now the official narrative is changing.

Now several US states have "banned" geoengineering, and reportedly more US and Canadian states are considering doing the same.

[If I remember correctly, the former governor of Ontario (I think) was awake long ago.]

However, chemtrails are still denounced as conspiracy theory by most of the MSM.

So states are banning geoengineering on exactly what basis?

We can see exactly where this is headed.

Are the chemtrails stopping?

What would stop them?

An airforce escort to the ground then a police escort.

Is this happening?

Is this going to happen?

The airforce has been well aware of geoengineering from the beginning, or incompetent.

The airforce is highly likely to be involved/implicated.

So ... 2 + 2 still adds up to 4.

Those who say otherwise are lying.

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Two points:

1) "and reportedly more US and Canadian states are considering doing the same."

- I haven't see any indication of a Canadian provincial official on this. If you have, pls send along.

2) I know for a fact and have documented in my geoengineering series that the U.S. Military conducts spraying ops here (covered up by our own military - whom I sent media inquiries to, crickets - which prove their complicity or at least cover-up of these crimes):

- from my Part 4 with photos, flight data, and videos I captured myself included:

> Details of the suspicious U.S. Military Flight over Canadian Airspace


This bugger flew right over my house too! That is CRIMINAL ASSAULT and if we had any law enforcement worth their salt in this country, it would be investigated. But we are a U.S. puppet just like Germany, imho.

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Yes - geoengineering is out of our control ATM - like many other things!

Change.org has a petition to ban geoengineering in Ontario.

I cannot locate copy of a supposed bill proposal ATM.

Alberta Premier Danielle Steele (October 2024), Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe (June 2024) and others worldwide, have been frantically trying to put out "conspiracy theory" chemtrail fires in Canada and elsewhere to protect their credibility and position.

The climate change industry and it's minions, are of course supplying scientific (propaganda) buckets and powerful hoses to dilute and wash away the facts!

The evidence is clear in the sky.

There is irrefutable scientific proof of toxic chemical loads in chemtrails, dangerous to our health and all life forms.

Politicians are caught in the war between the facts and the lies!

Where do most of my voters stand?

Where do my sponsors stand?

What priority should I give to the health and life of people and the environment?

Why am I a politician?

To represent the best interests of the people?

Or my own best interests?

Geoengineering may force a merger of the two!

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And nobody ever talks about NAV CANADA – A Private Company Controlling all of Canada’s Airspace,


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Exactly WHO - names, addresses, phone numbers please - authorised the "transfer" of the Canadian civil air navigation system from the Canadian Government to NAV CANADA for $1.5B?

I recently had the pleasure (not) of skimming the latest ECCC document - Science Strategy 2024-2029.

This document is ... what it is!

All about Canada's strict adherence to "the (not)science".

We actually PAY for this delusional drivel?

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I've sent a media inquiry to NAV CANADA to disclose their bondholders (private owners) and they refused to do so. This should be investigated by CSIS & RCMP on National Security grounds, but both agencies are either inept, compromised, not fulfilling their own stated mandates, or completely incompetent - take your pick. Welcome to Commie Canuckistan.

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Oh dear Geoengineeringwatch and the truth? Those two don't compliment each other. I hope Dan you corrected him on that and pointed him to the real geoengineering truth.

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I’m not on Team Dane or Team Jim. I’m on Team Truth. Connect me with Jim. I’d love to interview him. Time for unity and to start waking up the masses to the fact that geoengineering is happening in the first place. We can arrange the deck chairs afterwards. Peace be with you.

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I will connect you with Jim for sure. You won't be able to wake up the masses but we do what we do to raise awareness. There is no time for unity b/c there is too much going on in the geoengineering community. That imho is wishful thinking. I am ready to rumble not peacefully protest any longer. Please send me an email so I can connect you with Jim. geoengineeingfreecanada@proton.me

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Thank you Bettina for connecting Brett to Jim, as he would make for a really great guest on the Onward podcast.

I kinda get what you're saying about rumbling vs uniting; in my old age I see it as life is too short and it's time to break some eggs! We can leave the uniting for the John Lennons of the world.

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Email sent. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you Brett. Haven't received it yet

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Hi. I have tried this email and also adding "protonmail" at the end. Both emails have bounced back. Can you DM me please? Thank you

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Thanks for your email. Will touch base shortly

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I recommended the great work of Jim Lee. Pls watch the whole podcast.

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Thanks Dan. I new it :)

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I also recommended the Del Bigtree one which I think is Jim's all time best interview.

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