Dr. Bryan Ardis and Mike Adams discuss venoms in mRNA and also glycyrrhizin in licorice root that dissolves the rubbery blood clots, even though common blood thinners won't.


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Thanks for sharing

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Did you mention red light? I missed a bit.. opposite to blue light.. check out 'block blue light' vitimin D lamps and stuff ultra low emf and flicker free 🖐😊

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Zeolite.. nice, thanks for mentioning.. chorella, nice, you guys are spot on 😄👍

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FYI if you find plant based vitiman C preferably whole like spirrulena for example or at least extracted cold, free from chemical processes and of course, from a good source, then you will not require the chemical aid edta.

You may find also good plant derrived basics such as selenium, zinc, iron.. probably in the order of necessity.. good clean leafy vegatables are always a good base for any diet.

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Meat. We Don't have the gut to make use of vegetables..

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Perhaps I didn't state that clearly.. I didn't mean to say eat only vegetables but I know from my observation people do not consume nearly enough of them to balance out the meats they consume. I have also observed that those who do, maintain better health in general.

In regard to your statement meat is an alkiline food which when consumed is digested using stomach acid. Enzymes fall into two primary categories, acid and alkiline. If one overconsumes alkiline food, and over produces acids the WHOLE body system will become overly acidic.. this is blood disease and around 1/3 of all disease falls into this category. Although the body is very adaptable to its environment and can easily rebalance acid/alkiline it is still a burden on the system which becomes a heavier and heavier burden as we continue to place it under pressure (age/time). For this reason it is wise to balance EVERY meal with acid/alkiline foods, meat AND veg for instance, fruit AND nut.. if your urine has no bubbles it is very acidic, if very bubbly it is very alkiline.. the body can regulate this but like all things in good health and bad they are compounding.. to say we are not designed to eat vegetables or to say we do not need them is a misconception and you are simply doing yourself a disservice. To understand more about how plant based foods are beneficial in regard to mineral assimilation into the cell please look up fulvic.. the chemical produced when soil microbiome breaks down plant matter.. if you want to feed minerals (zinc, iron, selenium, moxy) into the cells the body requires fulvic. NB. Toxic beef blood does not contain bio-available iron (iron in your blood is not iron in your cells-remember that-) so it is best to bleed blood from the flesh before consumption. Another avenue worth considering is taste, every organ has a particular taste (when you eat lung it is very spicy, spleen/pancrease is very sweet, heart bitter etc). This works two ways, when you consume a food with a particular taste you will stimulate that organ (salty foods will stimulate the kidney viscera for example), so unless you eat an equal amount of an animals organs when you consume its flesh you are not stimulating your own organs. This is exactly why the overvonsumption of carbohydrates (sweet foods) overstimulate the spleen/pancreas and cause the related condition termed diabetes. Adversly, the lack of stimulation leads to atrophy. Green leafy vegetables for example are bitter foods (although cool foods which is another story), they will stimulate the heart meridian.. eat veg bro with your meat.. all things in moderation.


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EDTA is required - period

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I agree. The challenge is the administration of it. IV chelation is expensive and not without potential downsides. Oral EDTA is cheaper but less potent. We have to find the sweet spot somewhere.

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What's that oral thing???? I need help please I'm being harassed all day everyday and no one believes me I will end my life soon if no one is going to help me to make it stop. Please help me I have kids!!! macdonaldbrett4@gmail.com


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Great! Thank you.

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Could you look into the effects of MRIs on stopping the ensemble???

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Start smoking a pipe until la quinta columna announce a nanotechnology destroying protocol based on nicotine…why the hell do you suppose they want smoking stopped? For our health? Yeah , right because they care so much about us

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Too true.. smoking natural tobacco is also very good for male digestion as it relaxes and slows the digestive process.. males naturally have a fast digestion so when relaxing after a meal boys, it is wise to have a pipe and chill.. 😊👍

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Get the original native tobacco with no chemicals and additives in it.

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Grow your own

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You say the light therapy is beneficial outside the blood? But not inside- what does the hemealumin in EBOO do? Is that good?

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Has anyone tested ozone therapy on the nano?

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I'v done EBOO therapy twice now. It's helped me greatly but the effects don't last long yet. Apparently need to do it more regularly the sicker you are...

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how sick are you?

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I feel afflicted/poisoned- not sick. Nearly 2 years since virus and shot-shedding (I'm unvaxd) I have internal muscle/nerve twitches, little stabbing bodywide pains and buzzing/vibrations (including head) and a haywire heart. After doctors, tests, labs, and reading ad nauseam, it's probably due to a hat trick of spike, venom, and ai. My d-dimer, complement C4a, and MMP9 still go sky high. I'm posting this in hopes that Dr. Ana will see and confirm that EDTA, C, and meth blue along with EBOO and now possibly nicotine will help :)

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That was the best update I've heard. You two covered all the segmented info over the years including Dr. Ana's latest on remedies. Didn't know that pemf caused issues that's news!

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Thanks Neil. Appreciate the feedback

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