I see no reason to get a vaccine, EVER. For ANY reason. Nature doesn't NEED needles. And NATURE IS ON OUR SIDE, as opposed to money-grubbing people who are ONLY about money. Vaccines are ONLY about MONEY. Woof.

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Correct. The vaccine industry is all about playing the long game: poison you right out the gate while telling you they’re protecting you. Then as you slowly develop side effects and injuries over time, they have more meds to treat them. The end goal is to squeeze as much lifetime profit out of each customer as possible.

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Zackly. Glad you're on SS. Keep up the good work!! xo

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Quantum physicists inform us that our universe operates along the principles of 'holographic duality', which is an adjunct to string theory called the AdS-CFT correspondence. This correspondence centers around connecting a lower dimensional quantized particle theory to a higher dimensional space,, ie, a holographic reality - - This would look like a 2D surface with a 3D energetic image projected onto it - - or in the case of our universe, the surface of a black hole with an image of Creation projected onto it.

Transhumanist scientists haven't created a new system, they have merely found a way to use the existing system to their advantage.

Your WBAN has been paired to a holographic digital twin. Every human on the planet has been assigned a real-time node in the bio-digital Sentient World Simulation. It is real-time because there is no time delay in the teleportation of information between electrons in a holographic universe.

These are frequency weapons. They are targeting your Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Ar40AlmQs

Heterodyning is when the resonant frequency of the holographic avatar in the A.I. Sentient World Simulation is tuned to a target's WBAN frequency. This creates a real-time read & write information super-highway between the target and the A.I. quantum computer.

Holograms are very versatile,, eg, if you make a hologram of a magnifying glass, the holographic version will magnify the other objects in the hologram, just like a real one. If you make a quantum level holographic digital twin of Joe Bloggs, and tune it to the resonant frequency (hererodyne) of the real world Joe Bloggs, any biological (electrical) changes made to the digital Joe Bloggs will also be experienced by the real world Joe Bloggs.

We see a similar vibrational interaction with two guitar strings tuned to the same frequency,, ie, when one string is plucked, the other string will resonant as well. Two tones of the same pitch will give maximum sympathetic resonance as all harmonics of both strings will overlap.


Brain to Computer Interface Links Human Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) to A.I. Cloud... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/DNA-Frequency-Bioweapon-Links-Targeted-Individuals-to-Artificial-Intelligence-Hive-Mind-Control-Grid:5?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD


What is the A.I. Cloud? It is the Transhumanist Sentient World Simulation (SWS).

The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via a mesh electronics nanoscale Brain-to-Computer Interface... https://rumble.com/vqcaaf-nanotech-humans-bi-directional-dna-to-computer-interface.html

The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 16m09s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-War-Games---This-Is-Not-A-Drill:7

Jade Helm 2.0... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yog13

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Thank you for this. Lots to dig into here. The whole "Digital Twin" concept is fascinating and disturbing at the same time; especially when one loops in the holographic, read and receive nature of it all.

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I read "Can You Catch a Cold?" by Aussie Daniel Roytas. Just published this year. A well written review of 203 failed studies over at least a century of research to try and proof a sick person can communicate illness to a healthy person. Also to show that nobody ever found a virus. So what do we need vaccines for? The author devotes a whole chapter to the UK Common Cold Research Unit which was open for over 40 years and never could prove contagion and did not figure out what a cold really is - or find any virus. However CCRU notoriety lives on because they gave us "corona viruses" - an artifact of kidney based cell culture breakdown (which can also be seen in healthy controls but that would be inconvenient to discuss further). Also read the Cold book if you want some insight into what a cold really is or to read about the fraud of historical figures like Pasteur. A highly recommended book. Be well

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The common cold, the flu, and many other troubles we suffer are exacerbated by, and often CAUSED by, EMF's. There's the thing they don't want us to know. Because MONEY, and because GENOCIDE. Look at how Palestine is treated... Do we really think it's JUST PALESTINIANS that are targeted? These killing psychopaths don't need ANYTHING besides EMF's... And they get us to PAY THEM to use it on ourselves. Think about THAT, and try to get faster gaming and better cell phone connectivity... arrrrrrrrgh.

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Thanks for sharing. Was not aware of the book but sounds like a good read. The CCRU is a fascinating story - 40 years and nothing! I covered the cytopathic effect and The Virology Control Studies with Jamie Andrews of previous podcasts.

I want to be clear as to what I am doing here: while virology and contagion is on shaky ground (essentially fraud at this point), I don't think that throwing the "viruses don't exist" argument into the political or scientific sphere is the way to bring down the pandemic industry (yet). My goal is to show that even if we go along with the prevailing dogma (viruses exist, PCR testing is the gold standard, etc), the whole narrative falls apart anyway. From there we can work into the contagion myth, "viruses don't exist", etc. and drive the final nail in the coffin. I am hoping that Dr Speicher is going to help with further control studies to crack this open even further. Anyway, my 2 cents :)

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You don't need to say "viruses don't exist."

You can simply state the fact that there has never been proof that a virus has been isolated. Not once.

I think it's HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT. But it's not the only thing. They can zap us with EMF's anytime they want, and kill us that way, too. The reality is, these people need to be STOPPED. Because Palestine is our future if we don't stop them. Simple as that.

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You don't really buy into the dogma of genetics, do you?


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My goal right now is to try and play the game and show that even if we subscribe to the prevailing dogma (re viruses, DNA, testing, etc), the entire pandemic narrative falls apart. This, in my mind, is the way we win and stop future shots and testing. From there we can work our way further into destroying the dogma. Hope that makes sense :)

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