This guy is not on target. I used facts, science, and convincing common sense combined with knowledge. I have started the red pill movement, have saved millions of lives by warning of the bioweapons, and continue to convince millions of people to accept concepts not before introduced by anyone else, or by anyone else they had before seen. Not all of this conversation is accurate. I call people sheeple fairly often, it is a little nicer than my real feelings, which is that many are dumb and plain stupid and retarded. And I am a big boy, you can call me names and I won't cry or run away. I am not gullible, and as convincing the mannerisms of this gentlemen is, the knowledge is not factual nor accurate.


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Thanks for sharing and for posting your website. Will take a look

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This is so compelling. wow. We all need this in this algorithm gulag we are in. This is so powerful. Cheers

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Thank you and fully agree. Progress happens through continued dialogue.

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Exactly. the dialogue that has been lost to monologueism. Your shows I have watched have such a different energy and vibration. I look forward to your shows now.

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Thank you. That means a lot 🙏

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